The glow of the sconces was well worth it. Seeing the room come to life in the light really characterized the whole house. Each room has a wondrous glow now!
Here's a more unnatural light.The chandelier which you see in the picture took an hour to install. The makers failed to include any instructions, which made the whole process horrifying. Josh and I sat at the top of our ladders installing, uninstalling, installing, uninstalling, installing those lights!!! But, they are beautiful!
And of course, a shot of dad. He wired the pannel and switches to make this whole thing possible!
I think by this time everyone was zonked! Here's the last light installed for the night: the entry chandelier.
The next day, we went back to do some tinkering.... much easier! Here's a look at the sconces all installed during the day:
All the bathroom fixtures are the same, but in different finishes. Here is the one for the master bathroom:
The Hallway:
Master Bedroom: Each of the bedrooms have one of these massive fans!
And here is my statement wall, one wall is a darker gray than the other two. The all is framed by the sconces! Don't mind the two sticky notes, those mark some errors which have to be fixed by the painter.
So, that's the tour. This week, the floors, the bathrooms, paint touch-ups, hopefully! Pryde's might actually finish the water \(¬▄¬*)/
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